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FAQS About Pet Acupuncture

August 15, 2023

One change we’ve seen taking place in the veterinary world recently is the rise of acupuncture. Though the practice is fairly new to Western medicine, it’s been practiced in China for thousands of years. There’s a reason acupuncture has stood the test of time: it gives results. In this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO vet, serving Louisville and surrounding areas, a local vet answers some questions about acupuncture in pets.

Does Acupuncture Hurt Pets?

While it may not sound pleasant to have needles inserted into your skin, the process is actually painless. In fact, many pets visibly relax during their treatments. The needles are very small and thin. They are also inserted at specific points in the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, these spots are seen almost as breaker boxes, directing the flow of energy (Qi) through the body. Western medicine sees them more pragmatically, noting that these spots are actually nerve centers.

How Does Acupuncture Work For Pets?

Acupuncture is centered on the use of thin needles, which are inserted at specific points in the body. This sparks a series of beneficial chemical reactions. It improves circulation, which in turn helps metabolize waste and increases healing. It also prompts the body to release natural painkilling endorphins. Overall it reduces pain, increases mobility, and helps promote healing.

What Are The Benefits Of Pet Acupuncture?

First and foremost, acupuncture is completely painless, as mentioned above. There are also no known side effects. Your pet won’t need to be put under anesthesia, nor will they need special aftercare, aside from perhaps a good nap. The treatments work well in conjunction with traditional veterinary medicine, and can be repeated as often as needed.

What Is Acupuncture Used For?

Acupuncture can treat a wide variety of medical issues in pets. It’s often used to help arthritic dogs. It is also used to treat bone/joint issues, reproductive issues, circulation problems, liver and kidney trouble, gastro-intestinal issues, and mobility problems.

Is Acupuncture Right For My Pet?

Acupuncture is gentle and effective, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right course of action for all of our patients. Pets’ medical issues and treatment options should always be discussed on a case-by-case basis. That said, it certainly won’t hurt to learn more. If you think your pet may benefit, give us a call!Do you want to learn more about pet acupuncture? Contact Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO vet, serving Louisville and surrounding areas, today!