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Tips for Keeping Your Cat Out of the Tree

December 15, 2017

Are you putting up a tree this year? If so, your cat may be paying very close attention as you decorate it, and may even try to climb it. After all, according to the kitty rulebook, knocking a holiday tree over is a pretty impressive feat! In this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO vet serving Louisville and surrounding areas, a local vet offers tips on keeping Fluffy out of your tree.


Picking the right spot for the tree may be half the battle! Don’t put the tree too close to a desk, sofa, chair, or anything else your kitty could use as a launch pad. A corner may be a good spot.

Decorate Wisely

Keep your feline buddy in mind as you are decorating the tree. Avoid putting fancy or fragile ornaments on the lower branches. The only things within paws’ reach should be sturdy, unbreakable decorations.

Tire Fluffy Out

With cats, sometimes you have to more or less trick them into behaving. Tire your kitty out with a vigorous play session. If Fluffy uses up her excess energy chasing a red dot or pouncing on a wand toy, she may be much more interested in napping beneath the tree than climbing up it.

Extra Support

We recommend getting a tree with a sturdy base, one that won’t wobble or topple over on your cat. You may also want to use fishing line to secure the top of the tree to the wall or ceiling for added (but invisible) support.


Who says you can’t give your kitty some of her holiday presents early? Make sure Fluffy has lots of fun toys to pounce on. This may make the tree a little less tempting for your frisky feline.

Get A Synthetic Tree

While Fluffy’s claws are great for helping her climb real trees, they just don’t work that well on fake ones. Consider getting a synthetic tree.


The next time Fluffy starts batting at ornaments, bang two pots together or sound a bike horn. The noise will startle your kitty, and may make her reconsider the pros and cons of getting too close to the tree.

Happy Holidays! Please contact Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your local Boulder, CO vet, serving Louisville and surrounding areas, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!