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8 Things Your Cat Just Doesn’t Care About

Does your kitty have a way of looking particularly pleased with herself when she is misbehaving? We suspect that Fluffy knows full well when she’s doing something wrong, but just doesn’t care about your household rules. Actually, there are quite…

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Clipping Fido’s Nails

Does your canine buddy make a clicking sound when he runs across the kitchen floor? If so, your pet may be in need of a pawdicure. In this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO vet, serving Louisville and…

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National Cat Health Month

February is National Cat Health Month! Of course, keeping kitties healthy and purring is important to us all year long. Cats have a reputation for being rather self-sufficient, which is one reason they are such great pets. However, Fluffy’s independence…

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6 Great Bird Care Tips

Do you have a pet bird? Our feathered friends make very adorable and charming little pets! Caring for a bird isn’t difficult, but it is very different than taking care of a dog or cat. In this article from Arapahoe…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Cats

Happy New Year! On this special day, many people are making resolutions for the coming year. Cats, however, are traditionally unimpressed by holidays: your kitty will probably just continue with her regularly-scheduled naps during today’s celebrations. If Fluffy was able…

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People Foods That Fido Can Enjoy

The holiday season is officially upon us! Food is a big part of many holiday celebrations. If you have a dog, your canine buddy will probably be paying very close attention to all of those delicious seasonal dishes. Although many…

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Holiday Gifts for Fluffy

As the holidays approach, many people are quite busy shopping, decorating, and cooking. Of course, buying and wrapping presents are also on many to-do lists at this time of year. If you have a kitty, your cute pet may very…

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5 Things to Do When You Adopt a Senior Cat

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! This is a wonderful cause, and one we are happy to promote. Older dogs and cats make wonderful animal companions. If you’re considering adopting a senior pet, you have our wholehearted support. In…

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Autumn Care for Dogs

Fall is finally upon us! As the leaves change and the weather cools, many of us are really enjoying the change of seasons. Autumn does present some specific dangers for our canine friends, however. Fido could also use a bit…

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Basic Guinea Pig Care

Are you considering adopting a Guinea pig, or cavy, as they are sometimes called? These little furballs make very charming and cute pets! They do have some specific care needs, however, so you’ll want to do some research before you…

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