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Caring for Your Dog’s Paws

Does your dog sometimes put his paw on your leg when he wants attention? Fido may also use those furry feet to do cute tricks like Shake Paw . Your dog’s paws are actually crucial to his health and happiness….

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Warning Signs That Your Cat is Sick

We probably don’t have to tell you that our feline friends are, well, a bit quirky. Kitties play by their own rules, and definitely keep us smiling with their cute habits and silly mannerisms. While most of Fluffy’s unique characteristics…

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National Pet Day

Did you know that National Pet Day is April 11? While you probably won’t get the day off from work for this pet-friendly holiday, this is still a great time to show your pet some extra TLC. In this article…

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Adorable Ways Cats Demand Attention

Cats may have a reputation for being aloof, but that really isn’t accurate. Some kitties absolutely love to cuddle! Fluffy may want nothing more than snuggle up on your lap and purr herself to sleep. Of course, some cats want…

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DIY Cat Furniture

Cats are one of the most popular choices for pets, and with good reason. These adorable, quirky furballs are not only super cute and lovable, they’re also quite easy to care for, and can be absolutely hilarious at times. It’s…

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Setting Up a Hamster Habitat

Are you adopting a hamster? Hamsters are super cute, and can make great pets. These little guys are also fairly easy to care for. Making sure your hamster has a clean, comfortable habitat will go a long way towards keeping…

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Cleaning Tips for Cat Owners

Kitties have many adorable and wonderful traits. They’re lovable, cuddly, and lots of fun to watch and interact with. Another reason that cats make such great pets is that they are very clean. Fluffy will spend time each day grooming…

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Winter Care for Dogs

Winter in Colorado can be very pretty, but it also brings a lot of hassles, as well as some weather-related hazards. The cold season also presents some specific problems for our canine friends that pet parents should be aware of….

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The Basics of Good Bunny Care

Have you decided to adopt a bunny? Congratulations! Bunnies have been beloved pets for centuries. While rabbits aren’t difficult to care for, they do have some very specific requirements. In this article, a local Boulder, CO vet discusses basic bunny…

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Fun With Fido

Does your dog look bored lately? Is Fido’s routine the same every day? Just like us, dogs love to have fun! In this article, a Louisville, CO vet offers some ideas for fun things you can do with your canine…

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