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Choosing Bird Perches

Bird Day is coming up May 4th! Our feathered friends make very fun and cheerful little pets. Polly is both a cuddle bug and a comedian! One thing that is very important when it comes to caring for a pet…

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Easter Safety For Pets

Easter is coming up quick! You may want to keep your furry pal in mind as you prepare to celebrate the spring holiday. This can be a dangerous time for our animal companions. A local vet goes over some Easter…

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Children’s Books And Pets: A Pawesome Match

Children’s Book Day is coming up Saturday, April 2nd. We know, books aren’t one of our usual topics. However, if you think about it, many great kids’ books do feature our animal companions. A local vet delves into this purrfect…

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Puppyproofing Tips

National Puppy Day is March 23rd! If you’ve recently adopted a puppy, you’re definitely in for some very adorable moments … and a lot of pet parenting. Little Fido is as frisky and mischievous as he is cute! You’ll need…

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Getting Your Pet Ready For Spring

Spring is right around the corner! We know that many of you are more than ready for warmer weather to return. Quite a few of our patients also enjoy the change of seasons. Of course, just like any other season,…

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Reasons To Adopt A Guinea Pig

Are you looking for a pet that is small but also super cute? A Guinea pig may be just the furball you are looking for! These little guys are popular children’s pets, but their charms can brighten up any household….

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Keeping A Kitten Healthy

Have you recently adopted a kitten? It’s probably safe to say that little Fluffy has already charmed the socks off of you. Baby cats are ridiculously cute. However, they are also very tiny and fragile, and need lots and lots…

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Rattlesnake Appreciation Day

January 28th is Rattlesnake Appreciation Day. It’s also National Blueberry Pancake Day. While we’re quite happy to partake in a yummy breakfast, rattlesnakes are definitely more in our wheelhouse. It’s not uncommon for pets—especially dogs—to encounter rattlesnakes. In this article…

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Adopting A Rescued Bird Month

Happy New Year! Are you considering adopting a bird in 2022? January just happens to be Adopt A Rescued Bird Month, so this is a perfect time to bring Polly into your home. In this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital,…

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Cat Herder’s Day

Did you know that today is a very important cat holiday? It’s International Cat Herder’s Day! Of course, this may be a bit purrplexing. Our feline buddies are definitely not easy to corral. in this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital,…

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